I've become addicted to a game on Facebook called "City of Wonder." I try and stay away from these games for this reason, however, this one sucked me in. I get to create my own little town, explore, generate a population, etc etc. This is what I spent the morning doing. I thought that it was in the best interest of Shawn and myself that I do so.
Shawn went into school early today, but before doing so, thought he would be nice, and take me to pick up my prescription from CVS. This was at about 2pm, and was the first real time we spent together all day. I walked into CVS, all the while trying to ignore my grumpy cloud.
"Hi," I said to the pharmacist in my usual perky tone. "I'm here to pick up a prescription." With that, I handed the man my medical card, and patiently waited for my prescription.
"This isn't the card I need," he said after a few moments of typing away on his computer. "You need a different card."
"This is the only card I've ever used," I replied, trying to readjust my hair to cover the red horns I could feel emerging from my scalp.
"Well, I don't know," he said staring at the card. "Without the other card your total is $35.00, with the card it will only b $5.00. You need a different card."
I sighed, and unhappily handed him my debit card.
"Did you want to take the prescription with you today?" he asked me, looking the prescription bottle over. The bottle that says in all capital letters "TAKE ONE PILL EVERY DAY."
I stared at him, "Yes please," I said growing impatient.
Now, I am normally a very perky, very patient person. I have worked Customer Service, and I understand what it's like to have something be out of your control, yet, to the person, you represent the company/department. I have been screamed at, yelled at, verbally dismissed, etc. and I have always been able to remain calm, and respond with a smile and helpful advice to solve the issue at hand. This guy wasn't wavering. He wasn't being helpful. He wasn't responding to me with a smile or helpful advice. I made it outside before the cloud began shooting lightning bolts, and I sprouted a tail to match the horns that were now un-disguisable.
Every day Shawn and I walk into town, we pass a cookie shop. Every time we pass, I drool and insist that we devour something staring at us from the glass cases, begging us to eat them. Today was the day that this was honored. Shawn ushered me into the cookie shop. Instantly, my horns tucked themselves neatly back into my skull, and my tail retreated. The cloud, however, remained just to see if it would be a match for the power of the cookies I was about to ingest. I ordered three: a chocolate chip cookie, a sugar cookie with chocolate sprinkles, and a house cookie lovingly called "Black and White." We got into the car, and immediately, I pulled out the Black and White. It was easily the biggest cookie I have ever eaten. Not wide, THICK. The cookie is made out of white pound cake. They bake them upside down, then frost half of the bottom of the cookie in white frosting, and half in chocolate. I took a bite. My cloud didn't stand a chance.
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