Friday, November 19, 2010

Update On All Things Emily

I'm slacking. I know. Let's recap on life, shall we?

First let me start off by saying Shawn's mom is doing fantastic. She will finally be going home, and can now walk with the help of a walker. I think that is what I'm most thankful for this Thanksgiving.

1. I had a battle with the Landlord. Think, grenade launchers, bazookas, angry buffalo and a 9 iron. The cause of the war? Shawn and I being allowed to do anything in the house.

No parking in the driveway.
No putting furniture in any room but our bedroom.
No touching the thermostat.
Landlord can come over, unannounced, whenever he feels the desire.
No cleaning any room without permission from Landlord.
No moving disgusting, mold infested items from the cupboard belonging to Landlord.
No cleaning any cupboards without permission from Landlord.

The list goes on..We made a mutual decision to meet the following day at noon to discuss everything in detail, write everything out in detail, and sign every clause. By the end of the "discussion" Shawn and I were so frustrated, we left the house for several hours until we knew he was gone.

The next day, 45minutes after the scheduled meeting time, the Landlord showed up, and we had our meeting. His attitude was completely different, and everything that Shawn and I had been saying the day before was agreed upon as being just and fair, written down, and signed by all parties. We even got the "OK" to get a dog. Something Shawn is just thrilled about.

I want one of these. It's a teacup Yorkie, and yes, they are cuter than a baby vomiting rainbows and unicorns.

I believe Shan's face looked something like this when the Landlord said I could have one of the above, should we decide to get one.

2. I made friends! No, I wasn't too horribly worried about making friends, but it can be tough. I met Erika one of the three days that we worked together. Her boyfriend works at the hospital on the campus that Shawn goes to school at. Like me, she moved to NYC from a small town. Like me, she has been with her boyfriend for 2 years. Like Shawn, Johnny is originally from New York, and met his significant other in her home state. We joke that we have been living parallel lives in different states.

I also met all of Shawn's classmates. I am in love with them, like he said I would be. All of them are from out of state, and were looking for new friends. They found each other at school, and I found them at a dinner party. Having a group of friends has made NYC feel more like home.

Some of the group. Shawn is taking the picture, and the others werent able to join us.

3. I came home for 2 weeks. It's odd. Part of me feels like I never left, but part of me feels like I've been gone forever. I find myself looking for food that I bought and have in the cupboards in NYC. I hesitate before trying to put anything down the sink, as the sink in NYC does not have a garbage disposal. I can watch TV. I can take a full shower without the water turning ice cold while rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. I can park in my own driveway. I feel by the time I have acclimated to being home again, and the 3 hour time difference, it will be time for me to get back on the plane.

Tonight, I am going out with three of my girlfriends, including Erin, Mandi, and my best friend Kay. Tomorrow I am driving to see Ty, my best friend since pre-school, and spend the night out dancing with him. Sunday, my oldest brother and nephew fly in, and Wednesday my other brother and his girlfriend fly in. It's looking to be a very fulfilling trip home.

Note: Shawn has requested that his photo not be shared. Therefore, any image used to represent him should be assumed to be a free image from Google, and not the handsome stud muffin he truly is.


  1. Emily, I must say I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. Mostly because I see so many similarities between our experiences since leaving where we grew up and moving out into the world. I makes me happy to know I'm not alone in my Small Town, USA mindset. Looking forward to more.

    See ya

  2. Aww, Thanks Sean! I appreciate it. And thanks for becoming a fan :)
